
TimeXer: Empowering Transformers for Time Series Forecasting with Exogenous Variables

Published in arxiv, 2024

Recent studies have demonstrated remarkable performance in time series forecasting. However, due to the partially-observed nature of real-world applications, solely focusing on the target of interest, so-called endogenous variables, is usually insufficient to guarantee accurate forecasting. Notably, a system is often recorded into multiple variables, where the exogenous series can provide valuable external information for endogenous variables. Thus, unlike prior well-established multivariate or univariate forecasting that either treats all the variables equally or overlooks exogenous information, this paper focuses on a practical setting, which is time series forecasting with exogenous variables. We propose a novel framework, TimeXer, to utilize external information to enhance the forecasting of endogenous variables. With a deftly designed embedding layer, TimeXer empowers the canonical Transformer architecture with the ability to reconcile endogenous and exogenous information, where patch-wise self-attention and variate-wise cross-attention are employed. Moreover, a global endogenous variate token is adopted to effectively bridge the exogenous series into endogenous temporal patches. Experimentally, TimeXer significantly improves time series forecasting with exogenous variables and achieves consistent state-of-the-art performance in twelve real-world forecasting benchmarks.

Recommended citation: Wang, Y., Wu, H., Dong, J., Liu, Y., Qiu, Y., Zhang, H., Wang, J., & Long, M. (2024). TimeXer: Empowering Transformers for Time Series Forecasting with Exogenous Variables. arXiv preprint.

Timer: Transformers for Time Series Analysis at Scale

Published in arxiv, 2024

Deep learning has contributed remarkably to the advancement of time series analysis. Still, deep models can encounter performance bottlenecks in real-world small-sample scenarios, which can be concealed due to the performance saturation with small models on current benchmarks. Meanwhile, large models have demonstrated great powers in these scenarios through large-scale pre-training. Continuous progresses have been achieved as the emergence of large language models, exhibiting unprecedented ability in few-shot generalization, scalability, and task generality, which is however absent in time series models. To change the current practices of training small models on specific datasets from scratch, this paper aims at an early development of large time series models (LTSM). During pre-training, we curate large-scale datasets with up to 1 billion time points, unify heterogeneous time series into single-series sequence (S3) format, and develop the GPT-style architecture toward LTSMs. To meet diverse application needs, we convert forecasting, imputation, and anomaly detection of time series into a unified generative task. The outcome of this study is a Time Series Transformer (Timer), that is pre-trained by autoregressive next token prediction on large multi-domain datasets, and is fine-tuned to downstream scenarios with promising abilities as an LTSM.

Recommended citation: Liu, Y., Zhang, H., Li, C., Huang, X., Wang, J., & Long, M. (2024). Timer: Transformers for Time Series Analysis at Scale. arXiv preprint.

AutoTimes: Autoregressive Time Series Forecasters via Large Language Models

Published in arxiv, 2024

Foundation models of time series have not been fully developed due to the limited availability of large-scale time series and the underexploration of scalable pre-training. Based on the similar sequential structure of time series and natural language, increasing research demonstrates the feasibility of leveraging large language models (LLM) for time series. Nevertheless, prior methods may overlook the consistency in aligning time series and natural language, resulting in insufficient utilization of the LLM potentials. To fully exploit the general-purpose token transitions learned from language modeling, we propose AutoTimes to repurpose LLMs as Autoregressive Time series forecasters, which is consistent with the acquisition and utilization of LLMs without updating the parameters. The consequent forecasters can handle flexible series lengths and achieve competitive performance as prevalent models. Further, we present token-wise prompting that utilizes corresponding timestamps to make our method applicable to multimodal scenarios. Analysis demonstrates our forecasters inherit zero-shot and in-context learning capabilities of LLMs. Empirically, AutoTimes exhibits notable method generality and achieves enhanced performance by basing on larger LLMs, additional texts, or time series as instructions.

Recommended citation: Liu, Y., Qin, G., Huang, X., Wang, J., & Long, M. (2024). AutoTimes: Autoregressive Time Series Forecasters via Large Language Models. arXiv preprint.

iTransformer: Inverted Transformers Are Effective for Time Series Forecasting

Published in ICLR Spotlight, 2023

The recent boom of linear forecasting models questions the ongoing passion for architectural modifications of Transformer-based forecasters. These forecasters leverage Transformers to model the global dependencies over temporal tokens of time series, with each token formed by multiple variates of the same timestamp. However, Transformers are challenged in forecasting series with larger lookback windows due to performance degradation and computation explosion. Besides, the embedding for each temporal token fuses multiple variates that represent potential delayed events and distinct physical measurements, which may fail in learning variate-centric representations and result in meaningless attention maps. In this work, we reflect on the competent duties of Transformer components and repurpose the Transformer architecture without any modification to the basic components. We propose iTransformer that simply applies the attention and feed-forward network on the inverted dimensions. Specifically, the time points of individual series are embedded into variate tokens which are utilized by the attention mechanism to capture multivariate correlations; meanwhile, the feed-forward network is applied for each variate token to learn nonlinear representations. The iTransformer model achieves state-of-the-art on challenging real-world datasets, which further empowers the Transformer family with promoted performance, generalization ability across different variates, and better utilization of arbitrary lookback windows, making it a nice alternative as the fundamental backbone of time series forecasting.

Recommended citation: Liu, Y., Hu, T., Zhang, H., Wu, H., Wang, S., Ma, L., & Long, M. (2023). iTransformer: Inverted Transformers Are Effective for Time Series Forecasting. ICLR 2023.

Koopa: Learning Non-stationary Time Series Dynamics with Koopman Predictors

Published in NeurIPS, 2023

Real-world time series is characterized by intrinsic non-stationarity that poses a principal challenge for deep forecasting models. While previous models suffer from complicated series variations induced by changing temporal distribution, we tackle non-stationary time series with modern Koopman theory that fundamentally considers the underlying time-variant dynamics. Inspired by Koopman theory of portraying complex dynamical systems, we disentangle time-variant and time-invariant components from intricate non-stationary series by Fourier Filter and design Koopman Predictor to advance respective dynamics forward. Technically, we propose Koopa as a novel Koopman forecaster composed of stackable blocks that learn hierarchical dynamics. Koopa seeks measurement functions for Koopman embedding and utilizes Koopman operators as linear portraits of implicit transition. To cope with time-variant dynamics that exhibits strong locality, Koopa calculates context-aware operators in the temporal neighborhood and is able to utilize incoming ground truth to scale up forecast horizon. Besides, by integrating Koopman Predictors into deep residual structure, we ravel out the binding reconstruction loss in previous Koopman forecasters and achieve end-to-end forecasting objective optimization. Compared with the state-of-the-art model, Koopa achieves competitive performance while saving 77.3% training time and 76.0% memory.

Recommended citation: Liu, Y, Li, C, Wang, J., & Long, M. (2023). Koopa: Learning Non-stationary Time Series Dynamics with Koopman Predictors[J]. NeurIPS 2023.

TimesNet: Temporal 2D-Variation Modeling for General Time Series Analysis

Published in ICLR, 2022

Time series analysis is of immense importance in extensive applications, such as weather forecasting, anomaly detection, and action recognition. This paper focuses on temporal variation modeling, which is the common key problem of extensive analysis tasks. Previous methods attempt to accomplish this directly from the 1D time series, which is extremely challenging due to the intricate temporal patterns. Based on the observation of multi-periodicity in time series, we ravel out the complex temporal variations into the multiple intraperiod- and interperiod-variations. To tackle the limitations of 1D time series in representation capability, we extend the analysis of temporal variations into the 2D space by transforming the 1D time series into a set of 2D tensors based on multiple periods. This transformation can embed the intraperiod- and interperiod-variations into the columns and rows of the 2D tensors respectively, making the 2D-variations to be easily modeled by 2D kernels. Technically, we propose the TimesNet with TimesBlock as a task-general backbone for time series analysis. TimesBlock can discover the multi-periodicity adaptively and extract the complex temporal variations from transformed 2D tensors by a parameter-efficient inception block. Our proposed TimesNet achieves consistent state-of-the-art in five mainstream time series analysis tasks, including short- and long-term forecasting, imputation, classification, and anomaly detection. Code is available at this repository.

Recommended citation: Wu, H., Hu, T., Liu, Y., Zhou, H., Wang, J., & Long, M. (2022). TimesNet: Temporal 2D-Variation Modeling for General Time Series Analysis. ICLR 2022.

Ranking and Tuning Pre-trained Models: A New Paradigm for Exploiting Model Hubs

Published in JMLR, 2022

Model hubs with many pre-trained models (PTMs) have become a cornerstone of deep learning. Although built at a high cost, they remain under-exploited – practitioners usually pick one PTM from the provided model hub by popularity and then fine-tune the PTM to solve the target task. This naïve but common practice poses two obstacles to full exploitation of pre-trained model hubs: first, the PTM selection by popularity has no optimality guarantee, and second, only one PTM is used while the remaining PTMs are ignored. An alternative might be to consider all possible combinations of PTMs and extensively fine-tune each combination, but this would not only be prohibitive computationally but may also lead to statistical over-fitting. In this paper, we propose a new paradigm for exploiting model hubs that is intermediate between these extremes. The paradigm is characterized by two aspects: (1) We use an evidence maximization procedure to estimate the maximum value of label evidence given features extracted by pre-trained models. This procedure can rank all the PTMs in a model hub for various types of PTMs and tasks before fine-tuning. (2) The best ranked PTM can either be fine-tuned and deployed if we have no preference for the model architecture or the target PTM can be tuned by the top K ranked PTMs via a Bayesian procedure that we propose. This procedure, which we refer to as B-Tuning, not only improves upon specialized methods designed for tuning homogeneous PTMs, but also applies to the challenging problem of tuning heterogeneous PTMs where it yields a new level of benchmark performance.

Recommended citation: You, K., Liu, Y., Zhang, Z., Wang, J., Jordan, M. I., & Long, M. (2022). Ranking and Tuning Pre-trained Models: A New Paradigm for Exploiting Model Hubs. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23, 1-47.

Non-stationary Transformers: Rethinking the Stationarity in Time Series Forecasting

Published in NeurIPS, 2022

Transformers have shown great power in time series forecasting due to their global-range modeling ability. However, their performance can degenerate terribly on non-stationary real-world data in which the joint distribution changes over time. Previous studies primarily adopt stationarization to reduce the non-stationarity of original series for better predictability. But the stationarized series deprived of inherent non-stationarity can be less instructive for real-world bursty events forecasting. This problem, termed over-stationarization in this paper, leads Transformers to generate indistinguishable temporal attentions for different series and impedes the predictive capability of deep models. To tackle the dilemma between series predictability and model capability, we propose Non-stationary Transformers as a generic framework with two interdependent modules: Series Stationarization and De-stationary Attention. Concretely, Series Stationarization unifies the statistics of each input and converts the output with restored statistics for better predictability. To address over-stationarization, De-stationary Attention is devised to recover the intrinsic non-stationary information into temporal dependencies by approximating distinguishable attentions learned from unstationarized series. Our Non-stationary Transformers framework consistently boosts mainstream Transformers by a large margin, which reduces 49.43% MSE on Transformer, 47.34% on Informer, and 46.89% on Reformer, making each of them the state-of-the-art in time series forecasting.

Recommended citation: Liu, Y., Wu, H., Wang, J., & Long, M. (2022). Non-stationary Transformers: Rethinking the Stationarity in Time Series Forecasting. NeurIPS 2022.

LogME: Practical Assessment of Pre-trained Models for Transfer Learning

Published in ICML, 2021

This paper studies task adaptive pre-trained model selection, an underexplored problem of assessing pre-trained models for the target task and select best ones from the model zoo without fine-tuning. A few pilot works addressed the problem in transferring supervised pre-trained models to classification tasks, but they cannot handle emerging unsupervised pre-trained models or regression tasks. In pursuit of a practical assessment method, we propose to estimate the maximum value of label evidence given features extracted by pre-trained models. Unlike the maximum likelihood, the maximum evidence is immune to over-fitting, while its expensive computation can be dramatically reduced by our carefully designed algorithm. The Logarithm of Maximum Evidence (LogME) can be used to assess pre-trained models for transfer learning: a pre-trained model with a high LogME value is likely to have good transfer performance. LogME is fast, accurate, and general, characterizing itself as the first practical method for assessing pre-trained models. Compared with brute-force fine-tuning, LogME brings at most 3000× speedup in wall-clock time and requires only 1 memory footprint. It outperforms prior methods by a large margin in their setting and is applicable to new settings. It is general enough for diverse pre-trained models (supervised pre-trained and unsupervised pre-trained), downstream tasks (classification and regression), and modalities (vision and language). Code is available at this repository.

Recommended citation: You, K., Liu, Y., Wang, J., & Long, M. (2021). LogME: Practical Assessment of Pre-trained Models for Transfer Learning. ICML 2021.